Die 28 Mense Jan. Ann. 2007 A.D.
Cruenta, inepte, nunc per arva Tigridis
videsne caedem plurimorum et fortium
et innocentium audiistin non tibi
faventium voces neque insanae tuae
menti novorum armorum et "Ite!" pedibus
etiam suades errantibus de tramite
equos furentes? melioribus sinas,
iam te, precamur, persuaderi inutile
bellum moventem civibus—quamquam utile est
tuis—ut orbi debitam pacem feras.
Iambic Poem, to the president of the United States
January 28, 2007.
Over Tigris' fields, blood-spattered
don't you now see the fallen--brave
and innocent both? Have you not heard
the voices of those who favor neither you
nor your raging intentions for fresh arms?
And still "Onward!" do you bid the maddened
team which has erred from the course?
We beg you, who move a war profitless
for citizens--though profitable for your own--
to bring the peace that's owed the world.