Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strangers in the Night: Elegiac meter version.

Strangers in the night exchanging glances
Wondring in the night
What were the chances wed be sharing love
Before the night was through.

Something in your eyes was so inviting,
Something in you smile was so exciting,
Something in my heart,
Told me I must have you.

Strangers in the night, two lonely people
we were strangers in the night
up to the moment
when we said our first hello

Ignoti inter se tacitam aspiciunt per noctem
nocte rogant utrum possit Amor mutuus
conciliare prius quam Aurora cucurrerit altum
ad caelum; Nox et fugerit astra trahens.

Risu motus eram*; pulchrisque allectus ocellis
iusserit ut mihi cor te tenuisse meam .
Nocte salutemus dum inter nos usque manemus#
Ignoti; soli nocte manemus ea.
*in Propertian usage pluperfect sts.=perfect.
#graphic present (for past)

They glance at each other, to each other unknown
during the still night. During the night
They wonder whether reciprocal Love
could unite them, before lady Dawn has sped
to lofty heaven in her chariot, and night
has fled, trailing stars.

I was moved by your smile
and attracted by your beautiful eyes
with this result:
My heart bade me to have you as my own.

During the night, we remain uknown
During that night, we remain alone
Right up until we exchange mutual greetings.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pergam Fortis Iter (elegiac couplet; rough)

Pergam fortis iter, ne tu, Timor ater, obesse
credas posse mihi; nam teget ipsa Fides.

I shall proceed bravely on my journey.
Don't you suppose, dark Fear,
that you can hinder me.
for my very faith protects me.
Hesperias malam (elegiac couplet)

Hesperias malam quam litora Nova Britanna
oras visere si mecum aderit lepida!

I'll prefer western climes to New England's beaches
If only my charming girl will be with me!
Litora sola (elegiac couplet)

litora sola, sciam mea si bene velle puella
intrepidus lunae visere non metuam.

If I knew she liked me, I'd boldly go
to the solitary shores of the moon!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Principiis inquit (elegiac couplet)

"Principiis" inquit "laetum decet esse" puella
Copia adest; aderat Copia Laetitiae!

"In beginnings you should be joyful" she said:
There is and has been an abundance of Joy!


Principio memorat laetum esse decere puella:
Copia adest; aderat Copia Laetitiae!

She reminds me of the fact that one ought to be happy in the beginning:
Of happiness there is, and has been an abundance!
Scribant Apta Tvae (Elegiac Poem; first draft)

Scribant apta tuae magni sua verba poetae
formae; laudentur lumina pulchra tua
aptus erit pernix celebrari carmine motus
Saltas cum gracili, pube vidente, pede.
Certe ad cantandos nata est Elegia capillos
fulvos et pedibus labra canenda suis.

Let the great poets write their words, so as to be fitting to your beauty.
Let your fair eyes be praised; your nimble movement will be suitable
for celebration in song, whenever you dance with graceful step,
as the young men look on.
Certainly Elegy was created for singing of your chestnut hair
and for singing of your lips, all in its measures.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pacificas remigrat (Elegiac Couplet)

Pacificas remigrat fugiens mare Atlanticum ad oras
iam mea vita; canendi manet altus Amor!

My dear, fleeing the Atlantic, now returns to Pacific shores
Yet the lofty desire for singing of her remains.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Celsa Puella Volat (Elegiac Couplet)

celsa puella volat per nubila; abesse putetur
ne mea Musa tamen, neve perisse Elegi!

My girl flies through the lofty clouds. For all that
let it not be supposed that my source of inspiration is absent,
nor that my Elegies have perished!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Iam Natalis Adest (Elegiac Couplet)

iam natalis adest patriae; candentia signa
risus ut illius gaudia clara ferunt!

Now the birthday of our country has arrived
The dazzling displays, like her smile,
bring bright joys!