Friday, January 09, 2009

Astronaut's Love Song (Version 1)

Me tetigit caeli in celsis Amor ipse sagitta
terrarum quamvis orbe procul fugerem!
Non inter sparsas valui iam nare planetas
nauta nec intrepidus caeco habitare polo!
Has demum terras, haec tandem litora adeptus
quis via fulgebat tum facibus posui
miram sidereos galeam vestemque calores
amitto arcentes; nudus et orbus amo!

Love has struck me, while amidst heaven's heights
with his arrow, Love himself,
though I ran far from the inhabited world.
No longer could I swim amongst the scattered planets
Nor, bold astronaut though I was, live in the blind heights of heaven.
Finally touched down on this earth, finally on these shores,
I put aside the torches by which my way was then lit,
I put away my miraculous helm and garb,
the ones which fended off the star's bright heat,
And, nude and destitute, I am in love.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Astronaut's Love Song
(componenda membra - fragments having-to-be-put-together)

Me tetigit caeli in celsis Amor ipse sagitta
terrarum quamvis orbe procul fugerem!
Et cecidi, nondum cupiebam nare planetas
nauta inter sparsas


has demum terras, haec tandem litora adeptus
quis via fulgebat tum facibus posui,
miram sidereos vestem galeamque calores
amitto arcentes, et mihi ridet Amor!*

*tibicen (temporary support)

Love has struck me, amidst the heights of heaven
with his arrow, yes, Love himself,
though I was fleeing far from earth.
And I fell, no longer did I want to swim
amidst the planets, an astronaut,

having at last touched down on this land, these shores
I put aside the torches with which my way was lit
I put aside my miraculous helmet and garments
the ones which warded off the star's bright heat.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

O Virides Montes (elegiac couplet)

O Virides Montes (Heliconia cedite lustra
Musis sacra novem); vos, iuga mira, cano!
Musis sacra novem); vos, nemora alta, cano!

Vermont! (give way, Heliconian haunts
sacred to the Muses nine), your marvels
groves are the subject of my song!