Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To Camilla (Work in Progress)
inspired by Vergil, Aen 7.803-811

Curre, cucurristī per tōtam, fulminis instar,
vītam; strinxistī |* aequora nec pedibus.
*utrum possint hiātūs apud hanc sēdem esse, nesciō; sed hīc hiātus poētae placet.

Resplendent and swift, like a thunderbolt,
you've run your whole life
nor did your feet ever graze the plain
as you ran.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Poem for my Gallic Girl
(work in progress)

Cantus sit Gallae, sī sint mea carmina digna;
Quid mea fīt Gallā scripta rogante? Labor.
Hīc labor optimus est: elegīam scrībere Gallae;
Hōc tibi sī placeat, Galla, poēma, bonum est!

Let my Gallic girl have song
if my songs are worthy.

What happens when she asks
for one,
written out? Hard work.

But it is excellent work,
to write song for her.

If this poem please you,
Gallic beauty, only then is it good.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Prayer from the Front
Work in Progress

"Ō gemma pontī pulchra Sarōnicī
quam prōtegunt castae Artemidis manūs
tūtāmen estō cīvitātis:
nūmine mox redeam volente."

"O fine jewel of the Saronic Bay
whom the hands of chaste Diana protect
Be thou a bulwark for the citizens:
If god so will, I shall soon return..."