Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gyrantem amplexu (elegiac couplet)

Gyrantem amplexu plena saltantium in aula
gyrans iam tenui; me tenet ipsa oculis.

I held her now in embrace
as both of us spin in place
But it's me she really holds
with her glances.
tene iterum tenso (work in progress!)

Tene iterum tenso sensi subrepere nervo?
Tune, O, rursus Amor, disticha clauda doces?

Was it you I caught, creeping surreptitiously,
your bow-string tensed?
It is you, Love, who again teach me
halting distichs??

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Flesne etiam? (elegiac couplet)

Flesne etiam? Num tu lacrimas in carmina vertes?
Altera dum veniat maeste poeta, cane!

Still crying, are you? Why won't you turn your tears into song?
'til another comes, sad poet, sing!!

Iam Discessit Amor (elegiac couplets)


Iam discessit Amor, quas fixerat ante nitentes
corde faces removet; nunc gemitus remanent

Love's now left. The brands he'd planted
there before, gleaming, he removes.
Now laments remain.


Iam discessit Amor, secum fert corde remotas
taedas, nunc mixti carmine sunt gemitus

Love has left now, with him he brings
the brands, removed from my heart;
now plaints with songs are mingled.


Iam discessit Amor, secum sua corde remota
aufert tela meo; sit mea Musa dolor!

Love has left now, with him he carries off
his arrows, removed from my heart.
Let grief be now my Muse!


Iam discessit Amor; quas fixerat ante, removit
(1) corde faces tenero quod lacrimis medicor!
(2) corde faces, cordi nunc medeor lacrimis!

Love's now left. The brands he'd fixed there

(1) he's removed from my tender heart
which I now try to heal with tears.

(2) he's removed from my heart
and it's my heart I now try to heal
with tears.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Carmina quid possunt? (elegiacs)

Carmina quid possunt? Solus lepida sine Musa
- Solus! - amore carens, gaudia amissa fleo!

What can songs do? Alone, without my charming Muse
- Alone! - without Love, I weep for the joys lost.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Westron Wynde (elegiac poem)

Westron Wynde, when wilt thou blow
The small raine down can raine
Cryst, if my love were in my arms
and I in my bedde again!

O, Zephyre, flabunt quando tibi leniter aurae?
(imbre Iovi parco tum liceat pluere*!)
O, molli si iterum in lecto versarer, amatam
amplexu possem continuisse meam!
vel addas tingere tum liceat (Chris Jones).

O Western Wind, when will your breezes gently blow?
(then let it be permitted to Jove
to rain down with sparing rain!)
O, if only I were once again in my soft bed,
and able to hold my beloved
in my embrace!

Westron Wynde (in Latin elegiac couplets)

Work in Progress!

Westron wynde, when wilt thou blow
The small raine down can raine
Cryst, if my love were in my arms
and I in my bedde again!

O, Zephyre, flabunt quando tibi leniter aurae?
tum parcus pluviam Iuppiter addet aquam.

O Western wind, when wilt thy breezes gently blow?
Then will Jove grant the rain, but sparingly.

O, Zephyre, flabunt quando tibi leniter aurae?
imbre Iovi parco tum liceat pluere!

O Western wind, when wilt thy breezes gently blow?
Then let it be permitted to Jove to rain with sparing rain.

O, Zephyre, flabunt quando tibi leniter aurae?
Pompaque ventorum tum tua parcet aquae!

O Western wind, when wilt thy breezes gently blow?
And then your procession of winds will be sparing with the rain.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Volare - in Latin Sapphics
Italian Lyrics - Franco Migliacci
Latine vertit Petrus Johannes Carolus Lichoas

First Installment


Penso che un sogno cosi non ritorni mai piu
mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia blu
Poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito
E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito

Volare, O O!
Cantare, O O O!
Nel blu, dipinto di blu
felice di stare lassu!

Latin Version

Non reversurum lepidum putabam
tale somnium; faciem manusque
- triste dictu! - caeruleo colore

tum repente raptus ego furenti
sum vento infinitaque iam advolare
templa coepi (crederet haec quis umquam?)
caerula caeli.

me cantare, meque volare caelum
caerulo per caeruleum colore
pincta gaudebam specie, beatus
nubila mirans.

Translation of Latin

"Such a charming dream won't return!"
That's what I thought.
I painted my face and hands
- Sad to say! -
with the color blue.

Then, suddenly, I was seized
by the raging wind,
and began to fly
(who would ever believe this?)
to the infinite regions of heaven.

That I was singing, and
that I was flying
across the blue heavens,
my form painted blue,
that was my joy, as happily
I marveled at the clouds!

Suavia da mihi (elegiac couplet)

Bésame, bésame mucho
Como si fuera esta noche
La última vez

Savia da mihi multa velut si savia ferres
ultima; si nox haec ultima nostra foret!

Give me many kisses, as if you were giving
the last ones; as if this night were our last.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Candoris faciem (elegiac poem)

Candoris faciem plenam et ridentia canto
lumina; sermones nocte bona mutuos;
vestes - O visu mirabile! - carmine dignae;
saltum; horum memores semper erunt elegi!

Features full of candor, and smiling eyes
these are the subject of my song:
talks shared during the good night;
dresses (a marvel to see!) tailor-made for song;
her dance: these are the things
my elegies will always bring to mind.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strangers in the Night: Elegiac meter version.

Strangers in the night exchanging glances
Wondring in the night
What were the chances wed be sharing love
Before the night was through.

Something in your eyes was so inviting,
Something in you smile was so exciting,
Something in my heart,
Told me I must have you.

Strangers in the night, two lonely people
we were strangers in the night
up to the moment
when we said our first hello

Ignoti inter se tacitam aspiciunt per noctem
nocte rogant utrum possit Amor mutuus
conciliare prius quam Aurora cucurrerit altum
ad caelum; Nox et fugerit astra trahens.

Risu motus eram*; pulchrisque allectus ocellis
iusserit ut mihi cor te tenuisse meam .
Nocte salutemus dum inter nos usque manemus#
Ignoti; soli nocte manemus ea.
*in Propertian usage pluperfect sts.=perfect.
#graphic present (for past)

They glance at each other, to each other unknown
during the still night. During the night
They wonder whether reciprocal Love
could unite them, before lady Dawn has sped
to lofty heaven in her chariot, and night
has fled, trailing stars.

I was moved by your smile
and attracted by your beautiful eyes
with this result:
My heart bade me to have you as my own.

During the night, we remain uknown
During that night, we remain alone
Right up until we exchange mutual greetings.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pergam Fortis Iter (elegiac couplet; rough)

Pergam fortis iter, ne tu, Timor ater, obesse
credas posse mihi; nam teget ipsa Fides.

I shall proceed bravely on my journey.
Don't you suppose, dark Fear,
that you can hinder me.
for my very faith protects me.
Hesperias malam (elegiac couplet)

Hesperias malam quam litora Nova Britanna
oras visere si mecum aderit lepida!

I'll prefer western climes to New England's beaches
If only my charming girl will be with me!
Litora sola (elegiac couplet)

litora sola, sciam mea si bene velle puella
intrepidus lunae visere non metuam.

If I knew she liked me, I'd boldly go
to the solitary shores of the moon!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Principiis inquit (elegiac couplet)

"Principiis" inquit "laetum decet esse" puella
Copia adest; aderat Copia Laetitiae!

"In beginnings you should be joyful" she said:
There is and has been an abundance of Joy!


Principio memorat laetum esse decere puella:
Copia adest; aderat Copia Laetitiae!

She reminds me of the fact that one ought to be happy in the beginning:
Of happiness there is, and has been an abundance!
Scribant Apta Tvae (Elegiac Poem; first draft)

Scribant apta tuae magni sua verba poetae
formae; laudentur lumina pulchra tua
aptus erit pernix celebrari carmine motus
Saltas cum gracili, pube vidente, pede.
Certe ad cantandos nata est Elegia capillos
fulvos et pedibus labra canenda suis.

Let the great poets write their words, so as to be fitting to your beauty.
Let your fair eyes be praised; your nimble movement will be suitable
for celebration in song, whenever you dance with graceful step,
as the young men look on.
Certainly Elegy was created for singing of your chestnut hair
and for singing of your lips, all in its measures.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pacificas remigrat (Elegiac Couplet)

Pacificas remigrat fugiens mare Atlanticum ad oras
iam mea vita; canendi manet altus Amor!

My dear, fleeing the Atlantic, now returns to Pacific shores
Yet the lofty desire for singing of her remains.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Celsa Puella Volat (Elegiac Couplet)

celsa puella volat per nubila; abesse putetur
ne mea Musa tamen, neve perisse Elegi!

My girl flies through the lofty clouds. For all that
let it not be supposed that my source of inspiration is absent,
nor that my Elegies have perished!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Iam Natalis Adest (Elegiac Couplet)

iam natalis adest patriae; candentia signa
risus ut illius gaudia clara ferunt!

Now the birthday of our country has arrived
The dazzling displays, like her smile,
bring bright joys!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Non ubi sim novi (elegiac couplet)

Non ubi sim novi; totum cor gestit ob illam
tintinnantque aures; sudor adest gelidus!

I don't know where I am; my entire heart leaps
because of her; and my ears ring; the chill sweat appears!
Laetitiae Florent (elegiac couplet)

Laetitiae florent! rosae velut imbre iuvante;
praesens Musa beat; flos redit ipse lyrae!

Joys are flowering, like roses, with rain's help
My Muse, when present, gladdens me;
& the very flower of my lyre returns!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ingreditur crocea (elegiac couplet)

Ingreditur crocea mea candens veste puella
conspicua ut caelis stella micans placidis !

There! She enters, dazzling in a saffron yellow gown
Striking, like a star glittering in the tranquil heavens.

Ingreditur crocea mea candens veste puella
conspicuum ut sidus nocte micans placida!

Look! My girl enters brilliant in her golden dress
remarkable, like a star glittering in the tranquil night.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Serta dabo pulchrae (elegiac couplet)

serta dabo pulchrae necnon mea carmina verbis
si potero, pulchris; grata utinam tibi sint!

I shall give garlands to you, beautiful one,
and songs in beautiful words, if I can.
May they be pleasing to you!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quid pudeat nudam (elegiac couplet)

Quid pudeat nudam monstrare, puella, figuram
laudandam speciem si tribuunt Veneres?

Why should it be a source of shame
to show your figure nude
if the Graces fair assigned to you
a body to be praised?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Urbe Salis Remanet (elegiac couplet)

urbe salis remanet veniat dum raeda puella
longa volans alte, terram aditura otii!

She waits in the Salt City
until the long carriage,
flying high, should arrive,
fixing to go to the land of leisure!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dicere non formae (elegiac couplet)

Dicere non formae quis sit pars pulchrior ausim
O, mea vita, tuae: tota figura placet!

I'd not venture to say what part of your form
is the more beautiful, my dear:
For your figure, every part of it, pleases!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Externo non est (elegiac couplet, draft)

externo non est usus medicamine, bella,
cum niteant nudae membra venusta tibi!

There is no need for external cosmetics, pretty girl,
since your charming figure is beautiful when you are bare.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Non Mors Obveniet (elegiac couplet; draft)

non mors obveniet nobis; redimicula taetri
franget dura metus omnia magnus Amor!

Death will not come upon us as an obstacle;
all the hard bonds of baleful fear, great Love
will break to pieces.

Urbe abeo celebri (elegiac couplet)

urbe abeo celebri, mea quando est rure puella
Pax ibi de pinis lenta cadit nitidis.

I leave the crowded city, whenever my girl is in the country
There the peace slowly drops from the luxuriant pines.

Saevus Venit Amor (elegiac couplet)

Saevus venit Amor princeps; Elegia secuta est
dein Nox Insomnis, plenaque charta precum.

Firs savage desire came; Lady Elegy followed him,
then Sleepless Night, and the page filled with prayers.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Purpurea indutam (elegiac couplet)

Purpurea indutam repetit suspiria pubes
te mirans, forma flagrat et illa tua!

The young men, marvelling at you in purple dress
try to catch their breath, and by your beauty
are set ablaze.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Carmina donorum (elegiac couplet)

Carmina donorum vice quis, mea Musa, ferentem
laudes ne dicat me tacuisse tuas!

Translation (iambic pentameter)

Gifts for song in off'ring made, my Muse,
that I denied your praise let no one claim!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Purpuream Munda (elegiac couplet)

purpuream munda croceamve puella vel albam
vestem si inducat, pulchra sit illa tamen.

No matter if she, elegant as she is, should wear
a purple, or saffron-yellow, or white dress
she would be pretty still.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Fulva non dignar (elegiac couplet)

Fulva non dignar tibi versus scribere harena
dissolvant memores ne vada saeva tui!

Translation (iambic pentameter, draft.)

I will not deign to scratch on yellow sand
nor give my couplets to the fickle strand
lest of our young romance th' inscribed lays
the savage main dissolve and wash away.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Inspired by "Sweet Child of Mine" (Guns 'n' Roses)

candeat ut caelum, disectis nubibus, altum
caeruleasque vides, sole nitente, plagas?
sub caelis iuvenes - reminiscere! - adire serenis
nos placuit celebri prata remota foro!

Do you see how the deep sky gleams, now that the clouds have dispersed
and its blue tracts, the sun glittering?
Under clear skies it pleased us to go (bring it to mind!) to meadow
remote from the crowded city center!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Elegiac Couplet

Sapphica tum malam componere carmina quando
Ibis Pacificas, ad Zephyri latebras!

Then shall I prefer to compose Sapphic song, then
When you'll come to the Pacific haunts of Zephyr's blasts!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Elegiac Couplet

carmina pro pomis, pro sertis carmina donem;
risum si moveant, illa valere sciam!

Let me give songs instead of apples; instead of garlands, songs!
If they inspired a smile, then I'd know they are worthy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Inspired by Nelly Furtado's Promiscuous (First stanza of Chorus turned in Latin Alcaics):

Promiscuous girl
Wherever you are
I’m all alone
And it's you that I want

O, nota multis, tu mea sis volo,
absente solus te cupidus tui
praesentis oris candidique
corporis et nitidi capilli.

O, known by many, I want you to be mine,
whenvever you're absent, I'm alone,
longing for your lips, your brilliant body,
your elegant hair.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Clari Renident (Alcaici)

Clari renident nubila candida
splendore solis, montium et aspera
luna refulgent, at puellae
labra nitent rubra sub lucerna

describat astrorum aethere in arduo
doctus meatus; sunt mihi savia
sublimiora atque apta carmini
ad celebrem et data signa mensam.

The clouds beam forth, white with the sun's splendor
the austere mountain heights glitter with the moon light
But her lips gleam red under the lamp flame.

Let the scientist describe the paths of the stars,
traced in high heaven; for me, kisses are
more sublime and apt for song,
and signals given at the crowded table.

Alcaics - Rough Draft.

clari renident nubila candida
splendore solis montium et aspera
luna refulgent et puellae
labra nitent rubra sub lucerna.

the clouds beam forth, white with the sun's spendor.
the austere mountain heights glitter with the moon.
Her lips gleam red under the light of the flame.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Another Sapphic


explicabis, bella, tuum ante doctos
(docta et ipsa) amplo ingenio laborem et
mox super salsum pelagus volabis
libera Atlantis.

You shall explain, pretty girl, before learned men
(you yourself are learned) your work of ample talent
and then, free,
you'll fly over the salty main
of Atlas.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another Sapphic Stanza


versantem cantare meis in urbe

ventosa Musis Capreisve pulchris

apricantem te libeat, profectamve

Indicum ad aestum.

Let this please you that, with my Muse,

I sing of you staying

In the windy city, or sunning

Yourself in beautiful Capri, or

On your way to the heat of India.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another Sapphic Stanza (2nd draft)

vidi ego pulchrum


somnium nocte in placida, poeta
ut movet plectrum citharam sonantem
Germanis dum ardore puella miro
saltat in aulis.

I had a beautiful dream during peaceful night
how a poet moved his pick, causing his lyre to resound
while with marvels passion the girl dances
in German courts.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Some Sapphics

mirantur cuncti lepide canentem
feminam* voces resonante pulchras
silva, nec praedam meditatur ullam
impiger ursus.
urbem ad Angleorum adeas, puella,*
saltatum Hispano placitura motu
gyransque effuso gradiere rufo
splendida amictu
Pastor ut videt tonitru frementes
nubes, praesepis cupiunt adire
iam greges, aequor nitido refulget
fulmine virens.
*femina, puella replace name of dedicatee

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Venisti, Puer Arduus: "You've come, troublesome boy"

Venisti, puer arduus! insperatus ades; spes
quas reddis vanas tum mihi erant stabiles!
tum cum nullus amor, tum cum nulla puella
non aluit gemitus, neque elegos docuit!
immota ut ventis quae semper constitit ilex
alto in monte suo; sic mea vita fuit!
Toto ob te tremulus - heu, heu! - glukupikron amorem,
corpore sum tela et iam mihi corde nocent!
Insomnes noctes; tacitus per silvas error
risus, complexus; oscula nocte data
oscula sole negata, manendaque signa ad mensam
curis omnia sunt haec numeranda mihi.

You’ve come, harsh boy! You’re here, unexpected. Hopes
Which you now cause to be in vain, where then stable in my eyes.
Then when no love; then when no girlfriend
nourished laments, or taught me to write elegies.
Like a holm-oak, untouched by winds, which has always
stood firm on its mountain; such was my life!On your account, bittersweet boy, I’m trembling
in my entire frame, and your arrows have long since done their harm.
Sleepless nights, quiet wanderings through the wood
laughter, embraces; kisses given at night;
kisses denied during the day; foot signals which must be waited for at the table:
All of these are now to be counted as my concerns.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2 couplets:

Insomnes noctes; tacitus per silvas error
risus, complexus; oscula nocte data
oscula sole negata, manendaque signa ad mensam
curis omnia sunt haec numeranda mihi
Sleepless nights; wanderings in the woods,
smiles, embraces, kisses given at night,
kisses denied in the day; foot signals to be awaited:
all these are now to be numbered as my concerns.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Elegiacs - Second Draft

Venisti, puer arduus! insperatus ades; spes

quas reddis vanas tum mihi erant stabiles!

tum cum nullus amor, tum cum nulla puella

non aluit gemitus, neque elegos docuit!

immota ut ventis quae semper constitit ilex

alto in monte suo; sic mea vita fuit!

Toto ob te tremulus - heu, heu! - glukupikron amorem,

corpore sum tela et iam mihi corde nocent!


You've come, harsh boy! You're here, unexpected! Hopes

which you now cause to be for nought, then in my eyes used to be firm!

Then , when no love, then, when no girlfriend

nourished laments or taught me to write elegy!

Just as an oak which, umoved by winds, has always stood firm

on its mountain, such was my way of life!

But on account of you, bittersweet love, oh! alas!

my body trembles; and your weapons have by now wounded my heart!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Beginning of an elegiac poem (Rough Draft):

O sperate, venis, pharetraque educere tela

Figere et in pectus, dulcis amor, ratus es!

Saepe, puer, me spernebas tibi vota ferentem

Quae fugere in ventos omnia cassa tuli!


Once Hoped for, now you come, and from your quiver
have thought to draw you Arrow, and fix it in my heart.
You often looked down on me, Love,
though to you I intoned my vows , all of which
I suffered to flee to the winds, efforts wasted.