Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Westron Wynde (in Latin elegiac couplets)

Work in Progress!

Westron wynde, when wilt thou blow
The small raine down can raine
Cryst, if my love were in my arms
and I in my bedde again!

O, Zephyre, flabunt quando tibi leniter aurae?
tum parcus pluviam Iuppiter addet aquam.

O Western wind, when wilt thy breezes gently blow?
Then will Jove grant the rain, but sparingly.

O, Zephyre, flabunt quando tibi leniter aurae?
imbre Iovi parco tum liceat pluere!

O Western wind, when wilt thy breezes gently blow?
Then let it be permitted to Jove to rain with sparing rain.

O, Zephyre, flabunt quando tibi leniter aurae?
Pompaque ventorum tum tua parcet aquae!

O Western wind, when wilt thy breezes gently blow?
And then your procession of winds will be sparing with the rain.

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